Friday, September 7, 2012


I made some whoopie pies today! They came out looking all retarded but woot!

On Thursday and Friday, I was scheduled to work out of town, training in the kitchen of another store. It was fun! Well, Thursday sucked because my area manager showed up and put me to work cleaning up that store.... Friday rocked though, made tons of yummy stuff. The day started out with laughs and some good fun. I was given a sausage kolache after we made some. I left it in the back while I put out a tray for the customers. I get back to find my co-worker poking at my kolache. The kitchen lady training us told me she (my co-worker) was poking my sausage. She said my sausage looked tempting and I said she could poke my sausage all she wants ;) lol we busted out laughing and then kept on for a bit till I said she could have it and then went back to eating my sour skittles.

Working with her and that kitchen lady was tons of fun and had tons of laughs through out the day. That store has some fun workers there that argue with each other that makes it fun and listening to all that profanity they use made things more funny.

I am going to miss going there because I had such a great time.

Dunno what else to go on about. Only other shit left for me to write about are misfortunes in my life. Maybe that will be saved for another day to rant/vent about, until then I will eat my whoopie pies haha.



LadyHood said...

That video has been famously popular with the Smash Bros. club in Victoria for ages - it's a classic!

That short experience you had at the other store, making food in the kitchens sounds like a lot of fun - what was the occasion that led to that? Seems a bit random that it was connected to work, makes me really curious though. :D Oh, and I bet your co-worker loved poking your sausage, lol.

Yay for blog updates! Hope you're doing well Jimmy! <3

Jimmy said...

What lead to going there? The old store across town was torn down and they are making it into a big ass truck stop with a kitchen so people are being hired and sent there for training on how to make shit and whoopie pies. haha I didn't have to do that since I am not going to the new store but I said I would go if they needed me to go but I just wanted to try out the kitchen :p

I said I would try and post since you said to :G lol May not all be good posts but yeah and I am doing alright. Could be better :p