Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Story of My Life

Also, wish the damn wetbacks that live in my sister's neighborhood would shut the fuck up. It is almost midnight and all you can hear is their fucking retarded ass gritos...

If you don't know what it is, then here is an example... Click Here



Friday, September 14, 2012


Well, lets see here. I am not banned from any wheres, if that is what you are thinking. :D

Nah, remember the mofos I mentioned from a previous entry, I hate people.? Well of course you don't because you probably don't read my shit, unless you do, then you are awesome that you read my crap haha.

Well apparently one of them idiots was caught by the manager while reviewing DVR footage of the store, that is done every day, stealing a $1.09 bottle of Nesquik. So now when he comes in this evening while I am working, I get to inform the fool that he is no longer allowed at the store, that is if he doesn't come in earlier so she can tell him herself. lol If he gives me any lip, I can show him the pictures printed out of him stuffing it in his pocket and tell him we will call the police and let them know about it :p

But wait, there's more!

Okay there is this one guy that everyone calls "Crazy Mike" Crazy you say? Yes, crazy. He is a damn drunk, crack head, gas drinking idiot. We have had this problem with him, pretty much everyday with him outside always bugging people for change. We tell him to stop and tell him to leave the property and he does when told like 3 times in a night.  Well lately he is becoming a damn problem. He still keeps asking pretty much everyone for change. Just the other night, I was outside throwing the trash, he was outside sitting there with two other fucks I can not stand who sit out there and just smoke, and use the toilet and scratch tickets, he got up and went to the side of the store by the dumpster. It looked like he was trying to light up something to smoke. As I started my way to the dumpster with another bag of trash, he moved to the back of the store. After I tossed the trash, I moved a few steps more to the back of the store since the dumpster is like two steps away from the back, and I saw him attempting to smoke something from an aluminum can. I told him in a stern voice, you can't do that here and to get off the property. Fucking idiot...

Last night, he was outside again with his stupid drunk of a wife sitting outside "waiting for a ride". He had bought a six pack of beer earlier that evening. Apparently the whole time they were sitting out there, they were drinking. That shit is not allowed at all, not even an open container, on company property. I only found out that they had been drinking on the property last night because as I was leaving for the night, the side of the store was littered with cans of beer, the beer he bought.

After waking up this morning, I phoned the manager to have a talk about him and she says when I see him, if they don't talk to him today before my shift, I need to tell him he is no longer allowed on the property and if he doesn't abide by it, to notify the local authorities to have him removed.

Oh how the closing shifts will be so much peaceful without that asshole being outside. Also, those two fuckers I mentioned earlier that sit out there and smoke, scratch tickets, apparently they bug people for change too and I need to tell them that they can't park their asses out front for hours anymore too. They can come and buy shit, but like, LEAVE after doing so. The manager doesn't want them just sitting out front, smoking, eating and whatever shit they do, especially coming in and out to use the bathroom and stinking up the damn thing and making a mess in there.

I think that is enough for one day. I want to say more about shit, but I don't really know how to just say it...  </3 :(



Also, had this song stuck in my head all day yesterday, and at work and still in there...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Insert Title Here

Worked today on my day off. A stupid person quit and someone called in today so I had to work. Now I gotta go to sleep early for tomorrow.

Not much to say here so yeah...

Friday, September 7, 2012


I made some whoopie pies today! They came out looking all retarded but woot!

On Thursday and Friday, I was scheduled to work out of town, training in the kitchen of another store. It was fun! Well, Thursday sucked because my area manager showed up and put me to work cleaning up that store.... Friday rocked though, made tons of yummy stuff. The day started out with laughs and some good fun. I was given a sausage kolache after we made some. I left it in the back while I put out a tray for the customers. I get back to find my co-worker poking at my kolache. The kitchen lady training us told me she (my co-worker) was poking my sausage. She said my sausage looked tempting and I said she could poke my sausage all she wants ;) lol we busted out laughing and then kept on for a bit till I said she could have it and then went back to eating my sour skittles.

Working with her and that kitchen lady was tons of fun and had tons of laughs through out the day. That store has some fun workers there that argue with each other that makes it fun and listening to all that profanity they use made things more funny.

I am going to miss going there because I had such a great time.

Dunno what else to go on about. Only other shit left for me to write about are misfortunes in my life. Maybe that will be saved for another day to rant/vent about, until then I will eat my whoopie pies haha.
